Draw What!?


All you need for this icebreaker is this slideshow, a pen or pencil and a few pieces of paper for each student! (and rewards, if you want)

Introduce the game by partnering students up or asking them to partner themselves with someone they haven’t met before.

-Once they are partnered, have them sit back-to-back with one student facing the board and the other facing away from the board. The person facing away from the board should have the paper and writing implement.

-Start the two minute timer.

-The student facing the board should describe in as much detail as possible the image displayed on the board. -Then, the person facing away from the board will try to draw it. The describer should not peak or correct their partner’s drawing in any way.

-Students will have two minutes to make as detailed a drawing as possible.

-You can then have them switch immediately, OR you can have the best three and vote as a class for a prize (candy and stickers are always appreciated)

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